Short Description:
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 14/07/2013
- Possible mortar floor but at a steep angle and quite sparse in areas. Chasing revealed it sits next to (7012) and bled into it to make small lenses (7012) then peeled back to reveal true mortared surface. So possible mortared surface cut into to fill with dump layers
- Ben Bazeley
- 14-7-2013
- Light yellow brown with a high concentration of lime mortar, overlain by deposit (7011), similar composition to deposit (7015). 5 mixed pottery sherds and multiple animal bone pieces, teeth and smaller fragments recovered from this context. Deposit identified in step 3, and was truncated by canine grave.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loose
- Light yellow-brown
- A high concentration of lime mortar 5 mixed pottery sherds, multiple animal bone pieces, teeth and smaller fragments.
- width: 0.75+ length: 1.15+ depth: 0.20+
- Similar in composition to deposit (7015) Overlain by deposit (7011)
- Dry, sunny