Short Description:
Cut of a Ditch
Issued to
Kezia Evans | 12/07/2013
- Centre of linear rubble feature through centre of trench - Kerrie Hoffman
- Kezia Evans
- 12-7-2013
- Ditch feature running east-west across trench, with steep sides, a rounded base and a sharp break of slope at the top of the feature. Feature appeared to truncate the floor surface and centre of the main structure, probably a later drainage feature.
- Kezia Evans
- 10-12-2014
- Linear on south side, more irregular on north side
- square
- width: 1.00 length: 3.00 depth: 0.36
- South side: sharp. North side: more gradual.
- E-W
- South side linear, concave, dipping at 60 degrees. North side: irregular, concave, dipping at 45 degrees.
- north side gradual, south side sharp
- flat
- Truncated by trench edge to east and edge of slot to west
- Filled by (5009)