Contexts at Leiston Abbey

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Short Description:
Fill of Ditch [5012]
Issued to
Kezia Evans | 12/07/2013


    • Linear ditch feature through centre of trench filled with rubble. Top - early post med green glaze pottery. Bottom - interface between fill and deposit (5013), medieval pottery found is similar to a piece found in (5013). - Kerrie Hoffman
      • Kezia Evans
    • 12-7-2013
    • Mid yellow brown sandy silt, comprising the fill of linear ditch feature [5012] extending East-West across the trench. Deposit contained large quantity of debris with no obvious origin, including slag, charcoal, and corroded nails. Two body sherds, (green glazed) and 1 unglazed rim sherd recovered from this context.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 5-12-2014

Sketch Photo

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Stratigraphic Matrix

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  • Compacted
  • Mid yellow-brown
  • Sandy silt. 70% filled with bricks at the top, 50% CBM at the bottom.
  • Frequent medium mortar, poorly sorted at top of deposit. Frequent small CBM pieces. Large quantity of debris with no obvious origin, including slag, charcoal and corroded nails. Two body pot sherds (Green glazed) and one unglazed rim sherd recovered.
  • width: 1.00 length: 3.00+ depth: 0.36
  • Pottery was found in this context including a piece of Romano British grey ware and Late Medieval Transition Ware (dating to the 15th Century).
  • Mattock and trowel.


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Ceramic Building Material
Animal Bone
Pot 3 11 15thC P1001 & P402
Flint 4 2 flakes and 2 broken flakes


  • Feature: LA_502
    • Ditch Feature

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