Short Description:
Cut of Cobbled feature
Issued to
Rita Baker | 18/07/2015
- Shallow cobbled semi circular feature - full extent unknown as feature extended beyond limit of excavation.
- Ben Swain
- 26-7-2015
- Sub circular
- No corners - circular feature
- Length 0.6m width 0.28m
- Sharp
- Not perceivable
- Steep
- Sharp
- Semi circular base
- N/A
- N/A
- None
Feature: LA_1801
- sub circular cobbled feature
Site Photos
Photo: LA_150307
Plan: LA_16
- Pre ex plan trench 18 scale 1:50
- Andrew Date
- 19-7-2015
Record Details
- Rita Baker 18-7-2015
- 2-8-2015