Short Description:
Cut of small pit cutting (11008) and (11004) of gully [11003]
Issued to
Chris Brown | 11/07/2014
- Pit cutting deposit 11008 of pit 11007 and fill 11004 of gully 11003
- James Earley
- 19-7-2014
- Pit cutting (11008). Sub ovular in shape with no corners. Sharp break of slope at top with steep sides and sharp break of slope to rounded base. Truncates deposit (11008) in pit [11007].
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Sub-oval
- N a
- 0.65 x 0.37 x 0.36m
- Sharp
- N a
- steep
- Sharp.
- rounded
- Cuts deposit 11008 in pit 11007
- Cuts deposit 11008 of pit 11007 Cuts fill 11004 of gully 11003 Uncertain relationship 11014
Feature: LA_1105
- Small pit cutting [11008] and [11004] of gully [11003]
Site Photos
Record Details
- Chris Brown 11-7-2014
- 19-7-2014