Short Description:
Primary deposit of ditch [1032]
Issued to
Maiya Pina-Dacier | 22/07/2014
- Primary deposit of ditch [1032]
- Maiya Pina-Dacier
- Brendon Wilkins
- 22-7-2014
- Fill of ditch [1032]. Filled with soft light blueish grey sandy silty clay with a few orange flecks.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Soft
- Light blueish grey with few orange flecks
- Sandy silty clay
- None
- 0.6m (width) x 0.15m (height) length unknown
- Bottom fill of ditch [1032] Finds: Pottery - Quantity: 1. Weight: 4g. - Early Medieval Sandy Ware (P300) - 12th - 14th Century Flint - Quantity: 6. Weight: 20g.
- Trowel. Hot, dry, sun. Frequently wetted.
Feature: LA_104
- Ditch feature running NNW-SSE
Record Details
- Maiya Pina-Dacier 22-7-2014
- 22-7-2014