Contexts at Leiston Abbey

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  • [1037]
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Short Description:
Cut of a ditch - equivalent to ditch [1008]
Issued to
Ben Swain | 19/07/2014


    • Cut of a ditch. Linear shape with no corners, but terminus at northern end of the trench. Gradual break of slope at top with steep, concave sides (approximately 1 in 2), gradually leading to a concave base. [1037] continues into eastern trench section. Oriented SSE-NNW.
      • Kezia Evans
    • 5-12-2014

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix


  • Linear
  • No corners, but terminus at northern end of trench.
  • width - 1.00, length - 5.00+ (continues into trench section), depth 0.37
  • Gradual
  • S S E - N N W
  • Steep, concave, approx 1 in 2
  • Gradual
  • Concave
  • n / a
  • Continues into eastern trench section
  • Finds: CBM: (Sample no. 48) - Quantity: 3. Weight: 2g Bone - Quantity: 10. Weight: 13g Pottery - Quantity: 2. Weight: 5g - Early Medieval Sandy Ware (P300) - 12th - 14th Century Flint (Bag A) - Quantity: 2. Weight: 7g. Flint (Bag B) (Sample no. 48) - Quantity: 4. Weight: 13g. Seeds (Sample no. 48) - Quantity: n/a. Weight: 38g.


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Ceramic Building Material
Pot 2 5 12th C. P300
Flint One flint flake, corticated wit moderate edge damage & SS48. 2 flakes
Other (add to description)


  • Feature: LA_103
    • Ditch

Site Photos

  • Photo: LA_8137
    • file_image
    • Trench 1 ditch cut post-ex, terminates in N side of trench.


  • Sample: LA_48
    • Nathaniel Jackson
    • 21-7-2014

Record Details

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