Short Description:
Fill of posthole [10005]
Issued to
Julie Inett | 10/07/2014
- The fill of a post-hole with a possible relation to others in the trench [10007]
- Tara Schug
- 11-7-2014
- Fill of posthole [10005]. Filled with loose, dark brown silty clay with small pebbles.
- Kezia Evans
- 5-12-2014
- Loose
- Dark brown
- Silty clay
- Small pebbles and flint, wood
- North-west: 0.73m East-west: 0.68 m Depth 0.22 m Full excavation L 0.79 m W 0.56 m D 0.53 m
- Wood fragments in situ
- Half-section by trowel Over cast Full excavation by trowel in full sun