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Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Leiston Abbey


PlanShort DescriptionContextDrawn ByDrawn OnOptions
LA _17Plan of (22003)Nigel Steel22-7-2015view
LA_11Pre-ex plan trench 22Ben Swain17-7-2015view
LA_12Pre-ex plan trench 21Ben Swain17-7-2015view
LA_13Pre-ex plan trench 20Ben Swain17-7-2015view
LA_14Mid-ex Trench 19Ben Bazeley16-7-2015view
LA_15Trench 16 Mid-exJules Hynam16-7-2015view
LA_18Pre excavation plan of (22004) and (22006) in Trench 22Nigel Steel22-7-2015view
LA_19Post excavation plan of Trench 22Nigel Steel22-7-2015view
LA_2Overall trench plan Drawn at 1:20 Comprises of 3 sheetsJames Earley16-7-2014view
LA_20Rubble deposit above wallRosanna Ring23-7-2015view
LA_21Post ex plan of trench 18 drawn at 1:20Ben Swain23-7-2015view
LA_22Pre ex plan trench 17 drawn at 1:20Chris Brown24-7-2015view
LA_23Multi-context plan of floor surface (14006) and masonry [14008]Raksha Dave26-7-2015view
LA_24Post excavation plan of trench 14Raksha Dave26-7-2015view
LA_28Post ex plan of trench 21Nigel Steel28-7-2015view
LA_3Multi-context plan of trench 10. Comprises of 3 sheets and drawn at 1:20Raksha Dave20-7-2014view
LA_31Post ex plan trench 17Ben Swain29-7-2015view
LA_34Post-Ex Section of Trench 23Ben Bazeley26-7-2015view
LA_37Multi-context plan of Trench 26Lisa Westcott Wilkins16-9-2016view
LA_39Plan of pit [28010]Alan Hitchcock22-9-2016view
LA_4Multi-context post-ex plan of trench 9 drawn at 1:20Matthew Juddery22-7-2014view
LA_40Mid excavation plan of trench 26Raksha Dave23-9-2016view
LA_41Post ex plan of trench 26Thom Winterburn25-9-2016view
LA_42Plan of trench 28 at end of excavationEd Caswell25-9-2016view
LA_43Post excavation plan of the south end of Trench 27Nigel Steel26-9-2016view
Total Pages:  2Total Results: 31
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