Contexts at Leiston Abbey

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Short Description:
Fill of a ditch [1006]
Issued to
Ben Bazeley | 05/07/2013


    • Fill of Ditch [1006]. Mid grey yellow sandy clay, containing occasion sub-angular pebbles. 1 small fragment of pottery, and 2 small fragments of animal bone recovered from this context during wet sieving (Sample 3).
      • Kezia Evans
    • 5-12-2014

Sketch Photo

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Stratigraphic Matrix

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  • Compact
  • mid grey-yellow
  • Sandy clay
  • Occasional sub-angular pebbles. Finds: 1 small fragment of pottery, 2 small fragments of animal bone (Sample 3)
  • width: 0.65 length: 3.90+ depth: 0.35
  • " Nearly all the pottery from this trench potentially or certainly pre-dates the foundation of the Abbey. Other than a very small sherd of Late Medieval Transition ware from context 1018. The Roman pottery comprise large but slightly abraded sherds and the sherd of Ipswhich Ware (1034) is very worn. So all these sherds may be residual. The sherds of Early Medieval Sandy Ware (P300 - 1037 & 1039) may also pre-date the Abbey although such pottery was still in use in the mid-late 14th century. The lack of later wares in association suggest that they are probably earlier."
  • Hot, dry, sunny


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Pot 1 1 15th C. Late medieval transitional ware LMTII (P402)
Animal Bone
Flint SS3. 14 complete flakes, 2 broken flakes and 4 burnt unworked flints


  • Feature: LA_104
    • Ditch feature running NNW-SSE


  • Sample: LA_3
    • Ben Bazeley
    • 5-7-2013

Record Details

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