Basic Information
- Posthole
- Posthole [1076] filled with (1075).
- Shelby Millard
- 7-1-2016
- There were 52 Postholes and 15 Stakeholes excavated in Trench 1 of similar size and shape; 16 of these contained the wooden tips of former posts and were in an advanced state of decay. Previous work had identified a model of five parallel lines of posts, constructed in symmetry with the main body of the Bronze Age alignment however this was less clear in Trench 1. No structured patterning to the preservation of waterlogged wood found in these features could be discerned, and no datable artefacts were recovered from any fills
- Shelby Millard
- 29-4-2016
Dating Narrative
- Sediment descriptions and sub-samples were taken along with the dimensions of he features that still had wood in situ. No dateable artefacts could be recovered. A shallow outlying pit feature [1074] was excavated to the north of the main cluster of posthole features, but was likely to be a tree bole and could be relatively recent. A number of unstratified animal bones were also recovered from the topsoil during the initial machining, and a single unstratified dark brown-grey un-oxidised sherd of Beaker pottery.
- Shelby Millard
- 29-4-2016
- [not set]
- [not set]