Features at Flag Fen

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Flag Fen

Basic Information

  • Circular posthole


  • Context: FF_1035
    • file_image
    • Cut of posthole FF_1035
    • Charlotte Beattie
    • 28-7-2012


    • Posthole [1035] filled with (1034). This feature truncates the ditch feature [1070].
      • Shelby Millard
    • 7-1-2016

Dating Narrative

    • Sediment descriptions and sub-samples were taken along with the dimensions of he features that still had wood in situ. No dateable artefacts could be recovered. A shallow outlying pit feature [1074] was excavated to the north of the main cluster of posthole features, but was likely to be a tree bole and could be relatively recent. A number of unstratified animal bones were also recovered from the topsoil during the initial machining, and a single unstratified dark brown-grey un-oxidised sherd of Beaker pottery.
      • Shelby Millard
    • 29-4-2016
