Features at Flag Fen

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Flag Fen

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Basic Information

  • Circular posthole


  • Context: FF_2038
    • file_image
    • Cut of posthole FF_2038
    • Stuart Pierson
    • 12-8-2012
  • Context: FF_2039
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    • Fill of posthole FF_2038
    • Stuart Pierson
    • 12-8-2012


    • Posthole [2038] filled with (2039). It has an E-W orientation and a vertical inclination.
      • Shelby Millard
    • 11-1-2016
    • Trench 2 was located adjacent to a previous trench excavated in advance of the neighbouring 'Green Wheel' cycle track. The previous trench contained Beaker pottery along with stakeholes interpreted as fencerow. In Trench 2, a continuation of these features were seen with 7 pits, 6 postholes and 3 stakeholes. The features were more ephemeral and sometimes just over 0.1m deep! These features had no structural pattern and were probably a reflection of the fen edge activity to stabilise the ground surface.
      • Shelby Millard
    • 29-4-2016

Dating Narrative

    • Pit feature [2028] was extremely substantial; measuring 0.46m in length, 0.20m in width and 0.26m deep, the cut had sharp concave sides and a flat! base, and was filled with loose, mid grey brown silty gravel. No pottery was recovered from this trench; although pit feature [2028] contained 11 struck flints and 13 other flint artefacts were recovered from the palaeosoil deposit(2006).
      • Shelby Millard
    • 29-4-2016
