Features at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

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  • ELM
  • 1121

Basic Information

  • Small post hole near a cluster of pits, NW corner of TR11


  • Context: ELM_11030
    • Cut of a post hole in a cluster of pits in NW quadrant of TR11 (cuts post hole 11028)
    • Bill Balding
    • 28-8-2022
  • Context: ELM_11031
    • Fill of post hole [11030] in a cluster of pits in NW quadrant of TR11 (cuts post hole 11028)
    • Bill Balding
    • 28-8-2022


    • Probable small post hole, part of a group of two (the other being F1120). This post hole was observed truncating F1120 but the two are likely broadly contemporary. F1120 is truncated by a cluster of inter-cutting small to medium sized pits that could date to the Iron Age or early Romano-british period in the NW corner of TR11. The post holes are therefore likely to be at least contemporary with the pit cluster. Without further evidence, it is difficult to interpret the function of these post holes other than by association to the area of storage pits. They could perhaps have formed some form of small, ephemeral grain storage structure - though this is conjecture only. No dateable or diagnostic material was recovered from this feature to confirm or deny this hypothesis.
      • Ben Swain
    • 5-10-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
