Features at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

Basic Information

  • Medium sized probable Iron Age storage pit extending beyond southern LOE of TR11


  • Context: ELM_11011
    • Fill of pit [11016]
    • Freddy Wannop
    • 25-8-2022
  • Context: ELM_11016
    • Cut of a pit filled by (11011) at the southern edge of TR11, east of large enclosure ditch
    • Philippa Wray
    • 27-8-2022


    • Probable medium sized storage pit - the presence of only one sherd of likely Iron Age/early Romano-British pottery suggests a storage rather than a rubbish pit. This feature contained the only diagnostically dateable find recovered from the storage pits in Trench 11. The similarity in form and character to other pit examples in the vicinity very broadly infers an area of potential Iron Age or Romano-british pitting throughout Trench 11, of which this feature is a part. However, much more evidence would be required to confirm this suggested date.
      • Ben Swain
    • 28-9-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
