Short Description:
Fill of third ditch in extension of trouser slot
Issued to
John Reeve | 04/09/2022

- Fill of drainage ditch
- Nat Jackson
- 17-1-2023
- Fill of drainage ditch
- Nat Jackson
- 17-1-2023
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderate
- Mid greyish brown
- Clayey silt
- Frequent chalk flecks and small pieces, occasional small chunks of sub angular sandstone pieces and charcoal flecks
- L - 2.00m W - 1.20m D - 0.50m
- Hand ex / sunny
Feature: ELM_476
- Ditch meeting N-S aligned ditch [465] in NE corner of TR4 (right leg of trouser slot)
Record Details
- Not set
- John Reeve 4-9-2022
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