Short Description:
Fill, possibly of a posthole, trench 4 East ('geoarch trench')
Issued to
Raphael Kahlenberg | 17/08/2021

- Silting fill of a possible post hole
- Ben Swain
- 16-11-2021
- dense
- dark brown (10YR 3/3)
- loam
- chalk, both soft concretions and gravel, ~10%, mostly around 5 mm, some gravels up to 15 mm (poorly sorted), rounded to sub-rounded. various pebbles of similar characteristics, but less frequently(<2%) <1% charcoal, degrading brick, and soft greenish sandstone, <2 mm
- 35 x 45 cm in plan view, 10 cm depth preserved
- First identified after removal of spit 1. Later half-sectioned, drawn and photographed.
Feature: ELM_469
- Post hole in eastern half of trench 4 (Geoarch trench)
Plan: ELM_10
- Post ex plan of south-eastern corner of trench 4 east. 1:20. Drawn on ELM21 Section Sheet no. 3
- Raphael Kahlenberg
- 22-8-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Raphael Kahlenberg 17-8-2021
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