Short Description:
Cut of pit in trench 4 east geoarch
Issued to
Raphael Kahlenberg | 17/08/2021

- Cut of a small shallow pit. Discreet feature, next to a post hole in tench 4 East, Geo arch trench
- Ben Swain
- 21-8-2021
- Sub oval
- Rounded
- Length - 1.50m Width - 0.40m within slot Depth - 0.44m
- Very sharp
- Gradual sloping
- Very gradual
- Rounded
Feature: ELM_468
- Pit in eastern end of trench 4 (Geoarch trench) protruding from southern LOE
Plan: ELM_10
- Post ex plan of south-eastern corner of trench 4 east. 1:20. Drawn on ELM21 Section Sheet no. 3
- Raphael Kahlenberg
- 22-8-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Raphael Kahlenberg 17-8-2021
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