Short Description:
Cut of robbed out wall in east side of trench
Issued to
Malcolm Thomas | 14/08/2021

- Cut of a robber trench for a roman wall that was part of a structure in the eastern part of trench 4, perhaps associated with a courtyard building. This robber trench truncates ditch [4160]
- Ben Swain
- 16-11-2021
- Linear
- N/A
- L: 1.10m W: 0.69m D: 0.17m
- Gradual
- N-S
- Shallow
- Gradual
- Flat but uneven
- Truncates ditch [4160]
Feature: ELM_466
- N-S wall running through eastern area of trench 4, returning towards the west at the northern bulk.
Plan: ELM_11
- Post ex plan of Trench 4, new area exposed in 2021. 1:50. ELM21 plan sheet no. 1 and 2
- Freya Leaf
- 22-8-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Malcolm Thomas 14-8-2021
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