Basic Information
- Roman enclosure ditch running N-S through centre of TR11
Context: ELM_11008
- Cut of a linear ditch running N-S through centre of TR11
- Ben Swain
- 24-8-2022
Context: ELM_11009
- Upper fill of a linear ditch [11008] running N-S through centre of TR11
- Ben Swain
- 24-8-2022
Context: ELM_11012
- Basal chalky fill of ditch [11008]
- Freddy Wannop
- 26-8-2022
Context: ELM_11023
- Dark silty fill in ditch [11008].
- Freddy Wannop
- 27-8-2022
Context: ELM_11039
- Cut of linear enclosure ditch running N-S through centre of trench 11 (northern slot) - not fully excavated
- Doug Hopper
- 30-8-2022
Context: ELM_11040
- Fill of linear enclosure ditch [11039] running N-S through centre of trench 11 (northern slot)
- Doug Hopper
- 30-8-2022
Context: ELM_11046
- Basal fill of ditch 11008
- Ben Swain
- 30-8-2022
Context: ELM_11048
- Recut of enclosure ditch [11008]
- Lisa Hicks
- 31-8-2022
- This linear ditch was fairly substantial in size, measuring 2.49m in width and 0.79m in depth. It ran N-S beyond the entire width of TR11 and it is expected the feature makes a return towards the North-East and is the same ditch visible running throughout Trench 4. The ditch was visibly recut at a later date, representing maintenance and re-use over an extended period of time. The ditch is the largest and most substantial that has been excavated so far at Elmswell farms and it is likely that it represents an enclosure bounding the Roman activity of at least one phase of occupation at the site. Finds such as a sherd of Samian and Mortaria were recovered from the ditch fills along with numerous pieces of animal bone. The ditch truncates storage pit F1107 nd is truncated by small rubbish pit F1109.
- Ben Swain
- 28-9-2022
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations