Features at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

Basic Information

  • Post Hole extending beyond Northern LOE of TR11


  • Context: ELM_11041
    • Cut of a post hole near to linear enclosure ditch [11039] extending beyond northern LOE
    • Bill Balding
    • 30-8-2022
  • Context: ELM_11042
    • Fill of post hole [11041] near to linear enclosure ditch [11039] extending beyond northern LOE
    • Bill Balding
    • 30-8-2022


    • Small post hole adjacent to another (F1111) extending from the northern LOE of TR11. Both features are located just to the east of ditch F1108 and are capped by a clay alluvial layer into which ditch F1108 is cut, proving stratigraphically that the post holes must pre-date the ditch. The post holes themselves imply some sort of structure such as a fence line adjacent to the ditch, but more excavation would be needed to prove or disprove this.
      • Ben Swain
    • 28-9-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
