Short Description:
Fill of post hole at SW of trench
Issued to
Mark Hall | 23/08/2019

- No clear evidence of the post rooting in the post hole. Fill could be either intentiall levelling or abondment build up. Sediment is similar to a spread higher up (8002).
- Mark Pickard
- 23-8-2019
- Firm
- Mid greyish brown
- Silty clay
- Common chalk inclusions Rare charcoal concentrated near the top of the fill Occasional small pebbles
- Diameter - 0.25m Thickness - 0.11m
- Troweled in sunny conditions
Feature: ELM_802
- Post hole
Site Photos
Photo: ELM_190055
Record Details
- Not set
- Mark Hall 23-8-2019
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