Short Description:
Upper stoney fill of ditch in north of trench
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 14/08/2021

- Upper fill of ditch consisting of chalk/limestone angular chunks possibly used as a drainage aid for the ditch or an intentional backfill to finally fill in or level off the ditch
- Ben Swain
- 17-8-2021
- Very compact
- Lighy greyish brown
- Silt
- 70-80% medium to large angular chalk/limestone inclusions
- Within slot: Length - 1.10m Width - 1.80m Thickness - 0.15m
- Hand ex/dry
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Ferrous Object | 2 | 4 | (Year 2021) |
Other (add to description) | 3 | 25 | Industrial Waste (Year 2021) |
Pot | 4 | 22 | Some decorated (Year 2021) |
Flint | 6 | 12 | (Year 2021) |
Ceramic Building Material | 1 | 2 | (Year 2021) |
Daub | 6 | 151 | (Year 2021) |
Animal Bone | 13 | 245 | Includes some teeth. (Year 2021) |
Feature: ELM_457
- NE-SW aligned ditch running through northern area of trench 4
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 14-8-2021
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