Features at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

Basic Information

  • Layer in the north of Trench 4, extends beyond northern limit


  • Context: ELM_4248
    • Shallow layer of burnt ashy material containing daub and charcoal, NW of TR4
    • Henry Laughton
    • 28-8-2022
  • Context: ELM_4267
    • Cut of pit in northern edge of trench 4
    • Chris Swindells
    • 3-9-2022


    • Layer that extends past the northern LOE in TR4. Patches of burnt ashy material and charcoal found in the fill indicate a potential deposition of waste/industrial material. The clay below was not burnt indicating the material is not in situ.
      • Freddy Wannop
    • 27-4-2023

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
