Features at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

Basic Information

  • Medium sized probable Iron-Age or Romano-British storage pit extending beyond eastern LOE of TR11.


  • Context: ELM_11019
    • Cut of a small pit extending from Eastern LOE of TR11
    • John Tomasi
    • 27-8-2022
  • Context: ELM_11020
    • Fill of small pit [11019] extending from Eastern LOE of TR11
    • John Tomasi
    • 27-8-2022


    • Probable medium sized storage pit - the lack of finds suggests storage rather than rubbish pit. Possibly Iron Age or Romano-british due to the similarity in form and character to other examples in the vicinity, though non dateable material was recovered from this feature. This pit also likely has a stratigraphic relationship with F1105, although this could not be determined in plan or section.
      • Ben Swain
    • 28-9-2022

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
