Contexts at Elmswell Farm

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Elmswell Farm

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Short Description:
Grey brown rubbly layer over ditch in north east corner of trench
Issued to
Freya Leaf | 22/08/2021


    • General demolition spread in north east corner of trench. It covered most of this area but was most concentrated over the line of the ditch. It was cleaned several times and only excavated fully in the three slots that were dropped in this area and was seen as a relatively thin c.0.06m capping layer. It contained quite a high density of finds, mostly pottery and animal bone. In all slots it was shown to be sitting on top of a softer lower fill which leveled off the ditch and sat on top of the 'T' wall in NE corner.
      • Freya Leaf
    • 22-8-2021

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix


  • Moderately compact
  • Mid grey brown
  • Sandy clay
  • Occasional small limestone rubble chunks, occasional limestone flecks and gravel inclusions
  • L: 4.80m W: 3.00m Thickness: 0.06m in slot
  • Hand ex with trowels on cloudy day


FindtypeQuantity (No. fragments)Weight (g)Notes
Shell 7 48 Mixed oyster and snail. (Year 2021)
Flint 6 15 (Year 2021)
Ferrous Object 2 8 Nails. (Year 2021)
Animal Bone 89 127 (Year 2021)
Pot 62 704 3 fragments of coarse blackware with diagonal lined decoration (1 large fragment from a shallow dish and 2 other miscellaneous fragments). 1 small piece of undecorated Samian. (Year 2021|)
Ceramic Building Material 1 5 (Year 2021)


  • No records attached.

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Freya Leaf 22-8-2021
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