Short Description:
Secondary fill of pit 4189
Issued to
Rachel Riley | 21/08/2021
- Secondary silting fill of pit
- Ben Swain
- 21-8-2021
- High organic content suggests deliberate anthropogenic deposition
- Raphael Kahlenberg
- 22-8-2021
- Moderately loose/friable
- Dark greyish brown
- Clayey silt
- Occasional charcoal and gravel pieces.
- Length - 1.40m Width -0.40m Thickness - 0.13m
- Two horizontally aligned stones (5/7 cm length) lie on upper boundary, suggesting low disturbance before deposition of ELM_4222.
- Hand Ex/dry, contained in micromorphology sample ELM_025
Feature: ELM_468
- Pit in eastern end of trench 4 (Geoarch trench) protruding from southern LOE
Find: ELM_161
- Two fragments of copper alloy bangle
Record Details
- Not set
- Rachel Riley 21-8-2021
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