Contexts at Elmswell Farm

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  • [4148]
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Short Description:
Cut of linear ditch in eastern edge of trench 4
Issued to
Jodie Hannis | 12/08/2021


    • This ditch runs on a NNE-SSW alignment across more than half of the eastern side of trench 4. It was first seen in plan as a strip of rubble and was noted as not running parallel to wall/rubble fill 4164. These two features converge roughly half way across the trench. The slot that investigated this section of the ditch showed two different layers of fill. The upper fill being a more compact mixed layer with a greater concentration of finds (finer pottery and animal bone) and the lower fill being a softer, deeper layer of gravely rubble with fewer finds. The profile of the ditch cut is fairly typically Roman 'V' shaped though different on each side, with the westerly edge being steeper and more consistent and the easterly edge showing a shallower cut then dip to a steeper bottom. This profile is consistent with that shown in the other slot in this ditch 4160 which also showed similar upper and lower fills. Through this investigation in the other slot, it is determined that this ditch represents an earlier phase of the site and predates the wall 4164.
      • Jodie Hannis
    • 18-8-2021

Sketch Photo

  • file_image

Stratigraphic Matrix


  • Linear
  • N/A
  • L: 1.00m (in slot) W: 1.10m D: 0.30m
  • Gradual
  • E edge of ditch is more gently sloping with sharper slope towards bottom. W edge is more consistent at a roughly 45 degree angle
  • Gradual
  • Slightly rounded
  • N/A
  • N/A




  • Feature: ELM_465
    • N-S aligned roman ditch at the eastern end of trench 4


  • Plan: ELM_11
    • Post ex plan of Trench 4, new area exposed in 2021. 1:50. ELM21 plan sheet no. 1 and 2
    • Freya Leaf
    • 22-8-2021

Record Details

  • Not set
  • Jodie Hannis 12-8-2021
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