Short Description:
Cut of post hole
Issued to
Ben Swain | 29/08/2020
- cut of a substantial post hole. Close in proximity to wall 4135 and may be a related part of the structure for this building.
- Ben Swain
- 29-9-2020
- Circular
- Na
- Length - 0.66m Width - 0.60 Depth- 0.35m
- Very sharp
- Na
- Very steep near vertical
- Very sharp
- Flat
- cut into 4102
Feature: ELM_439
- Substantial posthole close to wall F430
Site Photos
Photo: ELM_200444
Photo: ELM_200488
Photo: ELM_200489
Photo: ELM_200491
Record Details
- Ben Swain 29-8-2020
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