Short Description:
Fill of ditch [4005] below ash fill (4026)
Issued to
Nick Borman | 16/08/2018
- No Interpretations
- Firm
- Mid reddish- brown
- Silty sand
- Frequent subangular and angular small chalk round stones
- Length - 2.0m Width - 1.40m Depth - 0.20m
- Hand/Sunny
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Stone | 1 | 1 | Flint - Naturally broken/unmodified material (0.5g) (Discarded) (Dr JT Hogue December 2018) |
Shell | 3 | 51 | Oyster |
Animal Bone | 18 | 116 | Left cattle calcanium with evidence of canid gnawing. Cut- and chop-marks resulting from butchery. (Dr Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Pot | 49 | 341 | Roman. A fresh medium sized group with 7 sherds of the carinated bowl from context 4004. Also present were sherds from a very large dish in a burnished oxidised fabric (York form DD4), a handmade bowl possible mimicking carinated legionary bowls and a fragment from a small flagon with a pulley-wheel rim (York form FP). AD100-150. (IM Rowlandson and HG Fiske, January 2019) |
Pot | 4 | 39 | Samian Ware. 3 further rim sherds from the samian form 37 bowl in context 4004 (undifferentiated source) and a sherd from the form 27 cup in context 4004 (South Gaulish). AD100-150. (IM Rowlandson and HG Fiske. January 2019) |
Animal Bone | 1 | 3 | Burnt. Unidentified longbone fragment with evidence of burning. (DR Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Stone | |||
Daub | 5 | 48 | |
Animal Bone | 1 | 9 | Teeth. Sheep/goat left mandible (Dr Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Animal Bone | 1 | 13 | Sheep,goat fragment of right mandible (Dr Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Pot | 3 | 68 | Prehistoric |
Shell | 6 | 84 | Oyster. Edible Oyster (Ostrea edulis) MNI = 3. (Dr Hannah Russ, January 2019) |
Stone |
Feature: ELM_401
- East to west ditch across southern end of Trench 4
Record Details
- Not set
- Nick Borman 16-8-2018
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