Short Description:
Fill for a pit containing animal bones in east of tench 4
Issued to
Edward Caswel | 23/08/2018

- No Interpretations
- Firm
- Mid yellowish brown
- Silty clay
- 10% sub-angular to sub-rounded poorly sorted stones
- Length 0.82 Width 0.65 Depth 0.20
- Trowelled in a sunny day
Findtype | Quantity (No. fragments) | Weight (g) | Notes |
Human bone | 163 | 596 | 1 with 2 drilled holes. Disarticualted bone: long bone (including tibia and fibia), significant portions of both legs & arms, one foot and occasional fragment s of vertebra. A fragment of proximal right ulna has 2 small perforations in the anterior surface (further investigation required to determine if of taphonomic or pathological origin). Poor preservation; 45% complete skeleton. Sex undetermined. (Natasha Powers, 2019) |
Feature: ELM_414
- Pit containing animal bones
Site Photos
Photo: ELM_180229
Sample: ELM_11
- Alan Foster
- 25-8-2018
Record Details
- Not set
- Edward Caswel 23-8-2018
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