Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Corn dryer


  • Context: WIT_4098
    • file_image
    • Upper most fill of S corn dryer. Formed through silting after the corn dryer had gone out of use. Formed as part of the same process as (4099), (4101) and (4108).
    • Indie Jago
    • 30-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4099
    • file_image
    • Tertiary fill of S corn dryer. Formed through silting after the corn dryer had gone out of use. Formed as part of the same process as (4098), (4101) and (4108).
    • Indie Jago
    • 30-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4100
    • file_image
    • Cut of the corn dryer.
    • Indie Jago
    • 29-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4101
    • file_image
    • Secondary fill of S corn dryer. Formed through silting after the corn dryer had gone out of use. Formed as part of the same process as (4098), (4099) and (4108).
    • Indie Jago
    • 30-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4108
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of S corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 30-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4109
    • file_image
    • Upper fill of N flume. Sample 104 taken from this context.
    • Indie Jago
    • 11-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4616
    • Cut of gully, itself cutting large Roman pit [4612]
    • Ben Swain
    • 31-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4617
    • Fill of gully [4616]
    • Ben Swain
    • 31-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_4620
    • file_image
    • Robber cut made to remove stone from stone lined rectangular pit [4100]
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4621
    • file_image
    • Fill of robber cut made to remove stone from corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4622
    • file_image
    • Stone lining of corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4623
    • file_image
    • Silting in the S corn dryer and flue.
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4624
    • file_image
    • Stone lining of corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4625
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of rectangular stone lined feature. Could be natural, unclear.
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4626
    • file_image
    • Secondary fill of S corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4627
    • file_image
    • Fill of S corn dryer
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4628
    • file_image
    • Fill of S corn dryer (S slot).
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4629
    • file_image
    • Basal fill of S corn dryer. Looks similar to (4625)
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4630
    • file_image
    • Dark fill in S corn dryer. Fill pushed up against masonry 4623.
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4631
    • file_image
    • Upper most fill of S corn dryer (S slot)
    • Indie Jago
    • 3-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4651
    • file_image
    • Context given to sample 93. This refers to a mixture of robber trench fill (4834) and silting up of the corn dryer (4109).
    • Indie Jago
    • 4-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4702
    • file_image
    • Burnt material and clay at base of N flume. Sample 105 taken from contex.
    • Indie Jago
    • 11-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4723
    • file_image
    • Burning at base of S flue
    • Indie Jago
    • 13-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4828
    • Stone lining on N side of N flume. Equal to masonry 4622, 4623 and 4624 which all line the corn drier.
    • Indie Jago
    • 20-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4833
    • file_image
    • Cut of robber cut in N drier
    • Indie Jago
    • 20-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4834
    • file_image
    • Fill of robber cut in N drier 4833
    • Indie Jago
    • 20-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4841
    • file_image
    • Robber cut at W of corn dryer.
    • Indie Jago
    • 21-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4842
    • file_image
    • Fill of robber cut at W of corn dryer. Some of this fill is slump from the earlier ditch [4835].
    • Indie Jago
    • 21-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4847
    • file_image
    • Two stones that are part of what would have been a stone lined flue (like the N flue). (The rest of the masonry along the flue has been robbed out [4620]).
    • Indie Jago
    • 21-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4887
    • file_image
    • Rubble
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-2-2020
  • Context: WIT_4888
    • file_image
    • Fill between [4100] and 4828
    • Indie Jago
    • 26-2-2020


    • Roman corn dryer. Cut [4100] and then stone lined 4622, 4847, 4624 and 4828. Fire at W end to dry corn, this has left bring at the base of two flues (4702) and (4723). There is also some brunt material that has built up against the stone lining (4630). The corn dryer after going out of use silted up (4098), (4099), (4101), (4108), (4623), (4109), (4631), (4628), (4627), (4626) and (4629). after the corn dryer went of use the stone was robbed [4620] and [4833]. The robber cut filled with slump from the silting from within the corn dryer, making the cuts difficult to see. There is a circular dump of stone and tile (4887) either from the robbing of the stone lining or from the atonement of the corn dryer.
      • Indie Jago
    • 3-3-2020

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
