Basic Information
- Cut of inner ring gully
Context: WIT_4748
- Cut of ring ditch terminus
- Ben Swain
- 17-2-2020
Context: WIT_4749
- Fill of ring ditch terminus
- Ben Swain
- 17-2-2020
Context: WIT_4761
Context: WIT_4762
Context: WIT_4839
- Cut of ring gully
- Ben Swain
- 20-2-2020
Context: WIT_4839
- Cut of ring gully
- Ben Swain
- 20-2-2020
Context: WIT_4840
- Fill of ring gully
- Ben Swain
- 20-2-2020
- A ring ditch, on the inside of the ring ditch system and to the west of it. It cuts another ring ditch F#861 and is cut by post holes F#840 and 931, F#931 is possibly contemporary, it was in the terminus of the ditch. 11.35 meters of the ditch was seen, it is potentially the same ditch as F#876. At the northern terminus it was 0.45 meters wide and 0.15 meters deep, and at the southern terminus it was 0.40 meters wide and 0.09 meters deep. It contained a single fill.
- Nat Jackson
- 22-4-2020
Dating Narrative
- No Interpretations