Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Potential ring gully


  • Context: WIT_6318
    • file_image
    • Possible ring ditch or rooting
    • Indie Jago
    • 22-1-2020
  • Context: WIT_6319
    • file_image
    • probable rooting
    • Indie Jago
    • 22-1-2020


    • A very short length of possible ring gully in the north east of trench 6. It was 1.60m long, 0.20m wide and 0.05m deep. It looked like a possible ring gully in plan however it was slightly less convincing once excavated.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 8-3-2021

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
