Features at Earth Trust

Explore the open archaeological data from our digs at Earth Trust

Basic Information

  • Small pit in the north of trench 5, cut by pits F#530 and 532


  • Context: WIT_5061
    • file_image
    • Cut of small sub circular pit located to the east of the trench, truncated by pits [5059] and [5063]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 7-11-2019
  • Context: WIT_5062
    • file_image
    • Fill of small sub circular pit [5061] located to the east of the trench, truncated by pits [5059] and [5063]
    • Nat Jackson
    • 7-11-2019


    • A small pit in the north of trench 5, it is cut by two much larger pits F#530 and 532. The pit was a shallow scoop, rather than a steep sided flat based pit akin to the other pits in the area, this indicates again that this is an earlier feature. The pit had a length of 0.70 meters, a width of 0.35 meters and a depth of 0.27 meters. It contained a single fill (5062), which was a soft mid grey brown silty clay.
      • Nat Jackson
    • 2-4-2020

Dating Narrative

  • No Interpretations
