Short Description:
Cut of robbed out column base
Issued to
David Wallace | 18/01/2021

- Robbed out column base truncating layer (9002) and pit [9089]
- David Wallace
- 18-1-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Sub rectangular
- Length - 1.42 Width - 1.10 Depth- 0.74
- Sharp
- E facing section #531 sheet 51 Cardinal points N-S
- Moderately steep
- Sharp
- Irregular/ undulating base as column removed prt of pit [9080]
- Truncates pit [9080] and layer (9002)
Feature: WIT_971
- Robbed out column base in Roman structure with F970 to east and F972 to west
Plan: WIT_311
- Plan of Roman building (Tr 9). 1:50. Sheet 57 and 58
- Nat Jackson
- 15-1-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- David Wallace 18-1-2021
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