Short Description:
Fill of robbed out wall running N-S
Issued to
Indie Jago | 14/01/2021

- Rubble backfill into a robber trench cut to remove probable wall of a Roman villa.
- Indie Jago
- 18-1-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderate
- Mid greyish brown
- 70% rubble 30% silty clay
- Length - 1.00m slot Width - 0.80m Depth - 0.14m
- Section placed to determine if robbing event of the wall and column bases were contemporary. At this point the remaining wall was too shallow to see this. They feel like they are contemporary as little difference was felt between the column base and wall.
- Hand ex in fair conditions
Feature: WIT_906
- Robbed out wall of winged corridor villa
Plan: WIT_311
- Plan of Roman building (Tr 9). 1:50. Sheet 57 and 58
- Nat Jackson
- 15-1-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 14-1-2021
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