Short Description:
Fill of robber out wall, within slot including column base [9037].
Issued to
Indie Jago | 08/01/2021

- Rubble fill probably back filled after robbing event [9043] of the wall of the Roman villa.
- Indie Jago
- 8-1-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderate
- Mid greyish brown
- 70% rubble in a silty clay
- Length - 1m slot Width - 0.87m Depth - 0.19m
- Hand ex in a light dusting of snow!
Feature: WIT_906
- Robbed out wall of winged corridor villa
Plan: WIT_311
- Plan of Roman building (Tr 9). 1:50. Sheet 57 and 58
- Nat Jackson
- 15-1-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 8-1-2021
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