Short Description:
Cut of gully terminus.
Issued to
Henry Callender | 21/01/2020

- Cut of shallow gully, with single fill. Likely part of a field boundary, possibly iron age or roman in date. Dating of pottery can confirm.
- Henry Callender
- 8-3-2020
- Linear terminus
- N/A
- Length - >5m Width - 0.5m Depth - 0.07m
- Abrupt
- NW - SE
- Gentle
- Gradual slope
- Rounded.
- N/A
- Truncates ring gully feature 667.
- Photos 2801 - 2804, sec 293, plan 142
Feature: WIT_651
- NW - SE gully.
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_202801
Photo: WIT_202802
Plan: WIT_142
- Plan of [6300] [6298] gullies & pit [6302]. 1:20. Sheet 27
- Mai Walker
- 21-1-2020
Record Details
- Not set
- Henry Callender 21-1-2020
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