Short Description:
Fill of burial SK6144
Issued to
Indie Jago | 09/01/2020

- Back fill of SK6144. Soil removed from making the burial cut was probably mounded on the side as soil placed back around where material from pit 6103 was removed was much darker with less chalk inclusions than the soil at the E or W end.
- Indie Jago
- 9-1-2020
- Moderatley firm
- mid greyish brown at centre of grave and a light greyish brown at either end
- clayey silt
- frequent chalk pieces, particular at E and W end of cut. Occasional flint pieces.
- Length - 1.80 Width - 0.56 Thickness - 0.10-0.18
- hand ex in good conditions
Feature: WIT_602
- Burial of skeleton SK6144
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 9-1-2020
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