Short Description:
Fill of post hole [6087], part of a four post structure with [6089][6091][6093]
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 16/01/2020

- Fill of a post hole, part of a four post built structure. Associated with post holes [6089][6091][6093]
- Nat Jackson
- 16-1-2020
- Soft friable
- Dark grey brown
- Silty clay
- occasional charcoal flecks, occasional small stones
- Diameter -0.20m T - 0.10m
- Hand excavated with a trowel and pokey spoony / fair
Feature: WIT_615
- post hole, part of a four post built structure. Associated with post holes [6089][6091][6093]
Plan: WIT_117
- Plan of four post holes [6087] F615, [6089] F616, [6091] F617 and [6093] F618. 1:20. Sheet 18
- Nat Jackson
- 16-1-2020
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 16-1-2020
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