Short Description:
Recut of ring ditch at terminus
Issued to
Indie Jago | 04/12/2019

- Recut of ring ditch. Purpose of ditch unclear, either round house drip gully or enclosure. Iron Age.
- Indie Jago
- 4-12-2019
- Curvilinear
- NA
- Length - 2.00 Width - 0.40 Depth - 0.20
- Sharp
- NS in slot
- Steep
- Gradual
- Rounded U shaped
- Recut of ring ditch 5228
- On inside of the ring ditch. Filled by 5232
Feature: WIT_512
- Ring ditch
Plan: WIT_14
- Plan of ring ditch F512 and Roman ditch F511 in trench 5. 1:100. Sheet 4.
- Nat Jackson
- 5-12-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Indie Jago 4-12-2019
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