Short Description:
Cut of sub circular pit located to the east of the trench, truncates small pit/post hole [5061]
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 07/11/2019

- Large sub cirular Iron Age pit
- David Wallace
- 14-11-2019
- Sub circular
- Length - 1.81m Wide - 1.80 Depth - 0.85m
- Very steep
- SW facing section Cardinal points: SE-NW
- Steep near vertical SE side and moderate sloping NW side
- Sharp
- Flat Base
- Truncates 5061
Feature: WIT_530
- Iron Age storage pit in the north east of tr.5
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_200047
Photo: WIT_200048
Photo: WIT_200056
Plan: WIT_12
- Plan of pit cluster [5059], [5061], [5063] and [5101]. 1:50. Sheet 2
- Nat Jackson
- 29-11-2019
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 7-11-2019
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