Short Description:
Fill of large pit in South west of tr4 [4785]
Issued to
Harriet Tatton | 18/02/2020

- Final fill of iron age storage pit, possibly leveling off an earlier fill that slumped into the pit.
- Harriet Tatton
- 26-2-2020
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Moderately firm
- Mid greyish brown
- Silty clay
- Small poorly sorted flint pebbles and occasional chalk and charcoal flecks
- Diameter - 1.30 Thickness - 0.11
- Hand excavated - intermittent light rain and dry/overcast intervals
Feature: WIT_953
- Large Iron Age storage pit in south west of tr. 4
Record Details
- Not set
- Harriet Tatton 18-2-2020
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