Short Description:
Cut of posthole at end of ring gully terminus [4761]
Issued to
Mai Walker | 17/02/2020

- Cut of post hole, located at the end of ring gully terminus [4761]. Post hole may be related or contemporary with ring gully [4761]. Potentially cuts earlier gully feature [4761] and fill (4762), although this is hard to determine.
- Mai Walker
- 17-2-2020
- Sub rounded
- N/A
- Length - 0.46m Width - 0.43m approx Depth - 0.16m
- Moderate
- N/A
- Moderate, concave
- Gentle
- Rounded
- Cuts gully [4761] / (4762)
Feature: WIT_931
- Cut of post hole
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_204683
Photo: WIT_204687
Plan: WIT_212
- Not drawn, see plan 259, sheet 45. Cut of relationship slot ring gully [4774], ring ditch [4776], post hole [4757] post hole terminus [4759] & ring gully terminus [4761]. 1:20.
- Mai Walker
- 17-2-2020
Record Details
- Not set
- Mai Walker 17-2-2020
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