Short Description:
Cut of inner ring gully.
Issued to
Henry Callender | 14/02/2020

- Cut of inner ring gully against the bulk. In a slot with an outer ring ditch. [4736] and posthole [4738]. These are likely always broadly contemporary features, as no clear relationship is visible in the section. Very shallow, so perhaps over truncated by machining and continual farming in this area. Drip gully around the outside of a possible round house structure.
- Henry Callender
- 14-2-2020
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Curved linear.
- N/A
- Length - 1.00+ Width - 0.33 Depth - 0.08
- Abrupt
- N/A
- Gentle
- Gradual slope.
- Rounded, shallow u-shape.
- Unknown relationship with [4736] and [4738]
Feature: WIT_852
- Part of a ring ditch
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_204652
Photo: WIT_204653
Photo: WIT_204654
Record Details
- Not set
- Henry Callender 14-2-2020
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