Short Description:
N/s alignment, likely adult skeleton. Located in Tr.4
Issued to
Mai Walker | 17/12/2019

- North - south aligned skeleton of adolescent/ adult. Grave has been heavily truncated by the machine during stripping, losing the bottom part of the legs and feet, and destroying the skull. Skeleton is in a prone position, which could suggest a deviant burial, however a number of other skeletons on site are north - south prone burials, while some are east - west supine burials. This could suggest two different phases of a cemetery. 5 small sherds of patterned Roman? pot recovered from fill, and a chunk of BM (tile). <34> sample is from underneath the skeleton, after recovery, and <35> is from around the skeleton during cleaning and excavtion of cut.
- Henry Callender
- 3-1-2020
- Skeleton is aligned north to south, in a prone position, lying on its front, with its arms by its side, and hands resting beneath the pelvis. Shoulders and spine appear twisted. Could be a result of the way it has decomposed into the grave cut.
- Skull is resting on its side looking to the north-west. Skull has been destroyed by machine during stripping so only recovered in fragments. Head is at north end of the grave.
- Right arm is lying by side with hand rested under the pelvis.
- Left arm is lying by side with hand rested under the pelvis.
- Half of the tibia and fibula has been truncated and destroyed by the machine on both lefts.
- Half of the tibia and fibula has been truncated and destroyed by the machine on both lefts.
- Truncated by machine stripping.
- All of the remaining bones are in good condition.
- Good condition, except where truncated by machine.
Feature: WIT_472
- Burial (Sk4558)
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_1012
- Photo grammetry Shot of Sk. 4558 & Grave cut [4559].
Photo: WIT_201013
- Photo grammetry Shot of Sk. 4558 & Grave cut [4559].
Photo: WIT_201095
Photo: WIT_201096
Photo: WIT_201098
Record Details
- Not set
- Mai Walker 17-12-2019
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