Short Description:
Cut of pit
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 11/02/2020

- Cut of a Roman pit, part of a pit cluster involving pits [4300][4304][4306][4308][4717]
- Nat Jackson
- 17-2-2020
- Sub circular
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- Length - 1.10 Width - 1.00 Depth - 0.10
- Moderate
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- Moderate
- Gradual
- Concave
- Cuts pit [4304] and post hole [4719], some animal burrowing seen in the base. Cut by pit [4306]
Feature: WIT_960
- Pit, part of a pit cluster around ditch F#414, cuts post holes F#963 and F#964
Site Photos
Photo: WIT_204641
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 11-2-2020
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