Short Description:
Gully terminus cut by pit [2550]
Issued to
Nat Jackson | 10/02/2021

- Cut of a gully terminus, cut by pit F348. It contained a single fill. It could be a ring ditch for a roundhouse however only a 6m stretch of the gully was seen so it's uncertain. Probably Iron Age in date.
- Nat Jackson
- 19-2-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Curvilinear
- Length - 6.19m Width - 0.30m Depth - 0.09m
- Moderate
- East - West
- Shallow
- Gradual
- Concave/uneven
- Cut by pit F348
Feature: WIT_349
- Gully in trench 2 cut by F348
Plan: WIT_338
- Plan of pit [ 2550] F348 and gully [2552] F349 in eastern end of trench 2. 1:20. Sheet 60
- Nat Jackson
- 11-2-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- Nat Jackson 10-2-2021
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