Short Description:
Cut of small drip gully, part of roundhouse
Issued to
David Wallace | 08/02/2021

- Iron Age ring gully, potentially part of a roundhouse and possibly the entrance as it would facing east facing Clumps
- David Wallace
- 9-2-2021
Sketch Photo
- No Files Attached
- Slightly curvilinear
- Length - 0.80 relationship slot Width - 0.19 Depth - 0.15
- Sharp
- NE facing section #592 1:10 Cardinal points SE- NW Plan #329
- Very shallow
- Non-perceptable
- Flat
- Truncates Iron Age pit [2522]
Feature: WIT_343
- Iron Age ring drip gully - possibly a partial roundhouse
Plan: WIT_329
- Plan of Iron Age pit [2522] and drip ring gully [2524] roundhouse. 1:20. Sheet 61
- David Wallace
- 10-2-2021
Record Details
- Not set
- David Wallace 8-2-2021
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